“…No Loss is Token”


8 years ago today at 10:00  at night I received a call from my mother.

“I have the most awful news. Dad is dead.”

The next day I sat in the living room of my parents home

12 hours away from mine.

The Winter light came in through the window,

off the snow,

and I cried.

Today a poem appeared in my email box from the American Academy of Poets,

my daily poem.

Here it is proving, yet again, that Poets give voice

to that which we cannot.

God Bless the Poets.

God Bless you Daddy,

Where ever you are,

I Love You.



Token Loss

By Kay Ryan

To the dragon

any loss is

total. His rest

is disrupted

if a single

jewel encrusted

goblet has

been stolen.

The circle

of himself

in the nest

of his gold

has been

broken.  No

loss is token.



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My mother lived with Wernicke Karsakoff;

alcoholics dementia.

Her dementia caused short term memory loss and difficulty solving problems.

The night my father died, my mother, in her dementia,

did not call 911.

A call to 911 would have saved my father’s life.

Alcoholism Kills.



We Are All a List of Those We Have to Lose

A Certificate of Vital Record

1% Forgiveness is Hard

~ by Step On a Crack on January 10, 2014.

7 Responses to ““…No Loss is Token””

  1. Love you, Dearest Jen. It never stops hurting, but we grow around it. ❤

    On 1/11/14, Step On A Crack…Or Break Your Mother's Back


  2. The reminders never disappear. Sorry for your loss.


  3. My thoughts are with you, Jen dear.

    Peace and blessings,


  4. Love this. Thanks for the bejeweled goblet. We can raise it in toast, to your Dad.


  5. What a touching tribute… Thank you for your inspiration.


  6. Nice words and sentiments. Hope you’re doing well Jen, and enjoying the new year…


  7. I haven’t heard about you since this post. You okay? Just busy?


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